We’re excited to announce that our new website is live. The updated site includes changes to design, navigation, with dropdown menus for both mobile and desktop versions and additional options for those willing to explore. We’ve also improved the structure of our content, so you’ll get more. To make your experience of the Data Analyzers site much better for you there’s a long list of smaller but important changes.
We hope you like our new look which is designed to make it easier to find the information related to our services. In particular, we hope you like the feel of the design which is specifically intended to be easy to navigate, fast to load and to reflect our company’s forward thinking and modern approach. We haven’t lost sight of our traditional core values and our motto of “ Restore the past, Safeguard the future ” is still at the very heart of Data Analyzers. We will continue updating our data recovery blog once a week to keep you in touch with all the new things happening at Data Analyzers as well as regular updates as to what is happening in the data recovery industry as a whole.
When we started this project we had many big ideas, from updating company notifications to helping users get the most effective, reliable and accurate response for all who suffered from data loss. Our solution was to split our site content into two major sections. We now have ‘Services’ and ‘Locations’. ‘Services’ pages features all of our data recovery and computer forensics service options while ‘Locations’ now have pages for each state and city Data Analyzers have reception office including pages for those yet to come.
The site is now compatible with modern tablets and smart phones to allow you to keep in touch while on the move. Take a moment to explore our new site, perhaps bookmark us, and be sure to check back regularly for more information about our services as well as useful tax and accountancy news and tips. We have also created great deal of new graphics, videos, and included a few important security updates.
We hope you like the changes, and if you have any feedback, please let us know on Facebook, Twitter or via email.