A T r u s t e d D a t a R e c o v e r y L e a d e r

Como es por dentro un disco duro?

Durante más de 60 años, la unidad de disco duro (HDD) ha desempeñado un papel importante en la era moderna de la tecnología digital. La capacidad de almacenamiento de la unidad de disco duro ha aumentado de solo 5 MB en 1956 en cincuenta discos de 24 pulgadas a más de 10 TB (Tera Bytes) […]

DNA data storage – The highest density storage scheme ever invented

After six decades, present data storage technology may become obsolete. Humanity created more data in the past 2 years than in all of preceding history. As researchers try to overcome data “flood” they’ve come up with a new way to store digital data more efficiently and for a longer period of time. One such way […]

How to Identify a Fake Memory Card

Memory cards, such as MicroSD cards, may not be bigger than a dime, but are capable of storing immense amounts of data. From favorite music and videos to all your photos from last summer vacation can be accessed instantly on a phone, tablet or any other device. Anytime, Anywhere. Isn’t technology just mind-blowing? On the […]

EqualLogic SAN Recovery

Data Analyzers was contacted by the management team of the information technology department for a large correctional facility. This was a critical system failure that had affected one of the main storage solutions utilized by the correctional facility.They hosted a large amount of VMware virtual machines on a storage pool which was spanned across two […]

Severely damaged USB drive

Data Analyzers received a heavily damaged USB drive this week in our lab. Our client hit the USB drive with their leg while it was plugged to their computer. This is actually a common occurrence with USB drives, since they protrude out when plugged in. Normally, this type of accident only damages the USB connector […]

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