A T r u s t e d D a t a R e c o v e r y L e a d e r

My Seagate Drive is Clicking

Modern hard disk drives are complex devices and while usually last three or more years they do fail for one reason or another. Hard drives have seen great improvements in recent years achieving greater speeds and storage capacities. Today these are made in variety of shapes and sizes and for less money. Hard drives are […]

Seagate launched 16 TB Helium-based CMR Drive

Although not the first 16 TB drive publicly announced – Toshiba MG08 series was the first, last week Seagate launched their 16 TB conventional magnetic recording helium drive. These are available under two product lines – the Exos X for datacenters, and the IronWolf / IronWolf Pro for NAS units. Exos X16 The Exos X16 […]

El disco duro externo de Seagate emite un beep

¿El disco duro externo de Seagate emite “beeps” y no parece que esté girando? ¡Esto puede ser una muy mala noticia! Muchas veces, las unidades portátiles sufren una descarga después de haberse caído o una descarga accidental, muchas veces mientras están encendidas y conectadas a una computadora. Mi disco duro Seagate está sonando “Tengo un […]

Seagate External Hard Drive Is Making Beeping Sounds

Your Seagate external hard drive is making beeping sounds and it does not feel like it is spinning at all? This may be very bad news! Often times portable drives suffer from shock after being dropped or accidentally shocked, many times while powered on and connected to a computer. My Seagate Hard Drive is Beeping I […]

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